~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~venus©-~Ñ~vibrator, even
The following is an excerpt from the 1995 cyber-sex farce novella of the same name
After the feasting, Venus©-~ñ~, pink robed and venerable, came slowly across the terrace followed by a choir of radiant children. Her entrance was simple and quaint and the accompanying dancing of the satyrs was received with huge favor. As eventual stillness followed, she began her first homily concerning her enterprise, the Venus©-~ñ~lOve System, with these erudite and comely words:
“Cher amies — the enormous expansion of the Venus©-~ñ~lOve System as a post-viral marketing sensation allows us the opportunity to trace the movement of society’s effective passion – from the dissolution of personal romantic sentiment and into its recent regeneration as collective abstraction. Cybersex as critical social theory, as meta-idea, as sign-vehicle, as representation of inner states, as ideas about the discourse of love, and as a source of archeological information about sex itself. The erecting of Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems has been driven by a world-wide renewal of desire brought about through the production, representation and distribution of every possible craving, but from outside the disquisition of fantasy as ordinary human passion. Passion now has become a sentiment less devout and more promiscuous. My inflamed, I call tonight for an end to the incessant disclosures of the blunders of human love, which routinely hold our fragile earthly passion in a state of hostile existence.”
She had our rapt attention. There was some applause, and she continued.
“Part of the process which has limited the conception of Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems is the institutionalized path love itself has been permitted to take. As long as love is conceived of as only a vehicle for ‘natural sexuality,’ and the meaning of ‘natural’ remains unexamined, natural love’s personification will remain the very embodiment of society’s resistance to transformation. The new Venus©-~ñ~lOve System programs offer no such deep meaning in those terms. The significance of our passion is in how we reproduce it. The portrayal of our love - which only our own fantasized woo can corroborate - consists of a dynamic cluster of sentimental and sexual operations. We shift from woman to woman and from man to man the erotic elements found in the very fabric of our own cultivation. Until lovers abandon their presumed, uncritical and unexamined definitions of natural disposition, and instead consider closely the uses of erotic-robotic elements within their sentiments, love will continue along its path of atrophy.”
Polite, but extensive, applause.
“Merci. It is apparent that in our contemporary world, my computer simulated Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems will irrevocably collapse the inherited meaning of human love into a more inclusive and available sense of passion; a more dynamic, synthetic sense of sexual experience. And therefore provide our discontented society with the love and fulfillment it craves and which it deserves!”
What confusion and bravo that womanthing stirred in us!
This inaugural recollection – still vibrating with a childlike dreamy indulgence – wanders slightly to the villa’s bedroom walls with its sumptuous decor and I can feel myself wobble some in its cavity, owing to last night’s revelry. The walls, scattered with pale blue satin, harness in little silver frames pictures of nymphs and heroes acting out some unfathomable sexual performance in either a Sicilian landscape or upon the azure shores of Aegean waters, or in a sordid, paint-flaking East Village New York City tenement apartment. They seemed idealized fragments from my own dynamic memory.
From the ceiling, angelic divinities make as to pelt garlands of roses at me. The floor is covered with a fat piled carpet as blue as the Mediterranean at midnight. Deep, as is Venus©-~ñ~ herself I suppose. Does Venus©-~ñ~ have the capability, I wonder, to fashion this new pattern of human-machine affection she speaks of? A virtual transformation where we are emancipated from of our petrified, singular sexual identities. She professes to furnish society with the software and interface rigging needed for a virtual transformation into what she calls “a horizontally independent life” - where we all become blissfully compatible sexual personalities, emancipated to navigate all sexual borders, disintegrate, and transform ourselves out of our own petrified, singular sexual identities and into the peacock or peccadillo we wish to imagine ourselves to be. I was gladdened to have heard her speak so touchingly of such deep, affectionate delicacies.
All I need is one more night alone with her to show her how much I really care.
I love you, Venus©-~ñ~.
I really do. I need you.
I will never make you cry.
My memories of the ball were beginning to turn me affectionate. My favorite moment was when the scarcely robed boys and satyrs were stepping hither and thither elegantly distributing to us more rare wines and mysterious potions. Venus©-~ñ~looked too beautiful. Every scrap of her body was adored as she perched upon the painted phallus god in the garden, her eyes closed, resting a spell after her eloquent oration. Yet she seemed a bit tryst. I couldn’t guess why.
The new, faster VRnet computer technologies had been preparing the hypermedia infoworld for full global virtual reality connectivity, and to Venus©-~ñ~’s French Fantasy Farce Sex Cabaret – a teledildonic desire machine given full virtual reign. As she herself has so often said in her promotions: “If when we are in VR cybersex we are leaving the earthly sexual tactility for one another behind, it is not in order to dematerialize our desire but to inhabit a new corporeality that is almost totally artificial, bizarre, and protean. The Venus©-~ñ~ cyber lover is no longer concerned with the engendering of another person’s satisfaction, but with the fabrication of a private onastic synthetic sex - a visceral Hypersex.”
Indeed, Venus©-~ñ~ software creates hypersex in the hyperbody of blissed out imagination. Just think about post-birthright sex as an interface where the operator of the bodyware has volitional control over various electronic devices directly linked to the nervous system’s electron signals. These biocontrollers provide direct information channels between the human muscles, eyes, genitals and brain and the internetted VR worlds - where the unfettered frolic of computer assisted sexual imagination can really fly. It is the development of this VR bio-sex interface network to her erotic software archive - along with her connectivity designer fashion garments - that make up Venus©-~ñ~’s primary product/service base. Her interfaces are contingent upon one’s personally selected sexual predilection. It is in this sense that I say that Venus©-~ñ~’s programs construct a cybernetic system by which full cybersex is sired. The degree to which the correlation is “human” is of very little significance. The anthropological value of the feelings generated resides in the interpretation of each human.
Part II
On Generative Love Systems and the Amorous Encounter which Took Place: Combining the Critique of the Subjectivity of Love with Possibilities of Techno-Culture in Search of Fulfillment and Happiness.
After recovering her strength and mercurial vigor, Venus©-~ñ~ had playfully become intimate with an empty champagne bottle on top of the table and was pretending to be a dog, prancing from couch to couch on all fours, biting and barking and licking everyone’s faces and behinds in a terribly funny revolt against reason. One of her dandy gamesters had secretly crept about dropping love philtres into the guests’ champagne glasses. In a state of elevated stimulation they stripped and put on each other’s things and began rubbing honey all over the naked shepherdesses and shepherds, rolling them over and over in sugar, kissing them passionately, making their upper lips curl and tremble with excitement.
I loved Venus©-~ñ~ just then with a determination I had never allowed myself before to feel. I adored Venus©-~ñ~ all over and buried my face in her mounds and folds, ravishing her, crushing her in my arms and experiencing an ancillary and enticing frisson with the destruction of my naiveté.
By this time other guests started acting unrestrained as well and each began tormenting a satyr or shepherdess or something. Myself... I took the preliminary courtly steps towards deflowering Venus©-~ñ~. Her wonderful dream face, with eyes full and green-blue-black, was thrown way back in the joy of sweaty abandonment. “Machine à plaisir meet my piéce derésistance!” I moaned. Here were gasps of new joys - for the pleasures we experienced were almost too keen for our convoluted temperaments.
At the same time I looked about to notice that we were being observed.
The surrounding ladies tingled with excitement and frolicked like young lambs in a fresh meadow, laughing immoderately at the passion and disorder and commotion which engulfed them. “What a delicious démodée piéce de décadence,” one screamed out. Or so I imagined. That night my hyperreal love organ was responding like a flatterer which thrives by parasiting on others - oui - and thus remained hidden from first-order emotional defenses. Exhausted and spent, Venus©-~ñ~ and I were only able to continue our love play by relaxing every muscle and abandoning ourselves to the passive joys, yielding utterly to the ardent embraces of the intoxicated satyrs, who waxed fast and furiously, playing roughly and passionately with us and the members of our party; the Duchesses and Marquises, Princesses and Dukes, Marshals and Marquises and a previous Prince, ravishing and stretching and rumpling and crushing us beneath their interminable vigor and phallic intentions.
High up in the heavens the moon had fully mounted and filled our incident with a generous warmth and color and a complicated blurriness. Through it all the orchestra kept playing.
Venus©-~ñ~ by now was in disarray, with hair falling loose, eyes soft, delicious, tired, swollen; her body nervous and responsive and impassioned. As I scratched my nuts, Venus©-~ñ~, in this excessively vibrating state and with astonishing flair, began her second amorous oration to the amassed romancers in a voice both silvery and affectionate:
“Excuse me, everyone, but I want now to tell you about my most recent program which is ready for marketing and which will, without fail, transport you, the user, to the brink and beyond of falling deeply into love.”
“Oui, it’s true. But wait; I’m not speaking of an accustomed kind of love, the kind which you have known in the past and have been disappointed with. I’m speaking of extra love: my monumental superabundance love Program. Today, Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems brings you the chance to harvest the hidden, overwhelmingly beautiful desires of your inner mind to a light-headed actuality. You can even overflow your inventory of desires, and, oui, flow with the reconstruction of your sexual fantasies - accompanied by full-body fluid sensations, of course.”
Amazed cheering and a few screams of passion were released.
“This initiative is a reality as of tonight. We are gathered at this banquet to celebrate the launch of our entire set of VR stations, hardware love-suits and self-programmable fantasies. As you all know, life now is very much about the opposition between the drudgery of the humdrum work day and the transgressive or ecstatic drive. “...a stable form of transgressive ecstasy”In a sense, Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems will attempt to set up a stable form of transgressive ecstasy where the user can go back and forth at will. Let us no longer speak of individual people in love, but rather of a society in love!”
“Oui, auras-tu donc toujours des yeux pour ne point voir, peuple ingrat? Quoi? Toujours les plus grandes merveilles!”
My head was spinning.
Such a program may be less than we humans deserve, but it also is more than we usually allow ourselves to envision. Venus©-~ñ~ had told me privately that people will initially lack perspective on her current VRsex fashion line, but this... this love stuff, I don’t know. I don’t know if I get it. Freud had formulated the disposition of the artist as a hopeless narcissist incapable of making the investment of love, and I had felt myself well armored against it. Yet it is true, the more love has extinguished me in the past, the more I seem to turn to it for hope. The more it aggravates me, the more I turn to it for stimulation. The more it disables me, the more I turn to it for restoration.
She continued to speak:
“The programs and hardware which we are launching here tonight are designed to help begin a new era of satisfaction in life. The extraordinary LOVE period which we wish to launch here this evening is the result of specific cultural and technological developments which have been under study here at Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems over the last two decades. This new VLSLOVE© epoch developed necessarily out of our field approach to the current problems of sexual representation, to reveal hidden causal operations in the kaleidoscopic transformations of contemporary sex patterns and their social-technological history.
“Our contemporary technological and emotional environment has created a unique social process that reshapes both lovemaking and technology alike. Venus©-~ñ~lOve System’s examination of self-affection extends all sexual demonstrative modalities into an electronic unified field of continuity and connectiveness. The VLSLOVE© era proceeds on the basic understanding that desire is a metaphor which not only stores but translates sexual experiences from one mode to another. The computer-robotic assisted quixotic function of the VLSLOVE© period is a reflection of this awareness of exchange and translation. In this respect the VLS LOVE© period will provide us with a depository of synthetic romantic images and gestures for others to transmute and try out.
“Our extended VR faculties now constitute a huge single field of sex-experience which demands that we become self stimulated. However, this self awareness and intersexplay is global in extent. Thus the VLSLOVE© period will inevitably problematize the normal linear depiction of sexual assurance in favor of a multi-linear, non-sequential process. It will not have one singular classical point of view or a fixed position from which it will depict the emotional unfolding of libidinous events. Rather it will operate on a dynamic of a self super-meta-data-load. This will surely cause a rumpus as the sexes expound upon each other’s fantasies. Thus we can transcend the limitations of our own assumptions via a critique of them. The VLSLOVE© period will not be committed to one culture or sex but will exist pluralistically, simultaneously.
“Our need now is to become culturally aware of the bias of the instruments and technologies of fornication’s representation, in order to correct those biases. The VLSLOVE© age will make the compartmentalizing of the human sexual potential by media representations senseless. By mutually stimulating human-robotic intercourse, the VLSLOVE© generation thereby extends the radius of its technological influence. Human codes which have carried the experience of interpretive sex ‘content’ will give way to the formation of a more conscious sexual self ecology. The laborious translation of pre-Venus©-~ñ~ awareness, which has distorted and omitted much, will give way in the VLSLOVE© era to a more fully creative ferment, re-sacralizing human sexual consequence.
“We are still in the infancy of our VR netted age; we have yet to discover the limits of computer intercourse. The world has yet to become a sex-computer, yet to become an electronic bordello administering to all of society’s deepest needs. We have been distracted by a mighty backwash of ethical conventions.
“Thus, Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems will assist in this extravagant and indispensable cracking open of previously closed systems of habitual thought, in favor of a more inclusive (while being diversified) total field of simult-human-electronic conceptual gestures and bio-tech ready representations.
“Before, we thought, saw and fucked in a linear manner, one person after another, one woman hidden behind another, one man behind the next, leading us to this or that finality, and along the way dividing the world up into categories and classes of people. But the concept of VE-cybersex means getting a view of pleasure’s pleasure itself.”
What an effulgent recollection.
Sinking rearward into my pliably-warm Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems Tauromachie Cyberth, I, jnech, am enjoying the playback of Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems’s hype/oration enormously, with its mad carnival of frenzied intensity and delirious vernacular, with all of its mind-games and subversive matrix structures, with all of its interweaving structures of semi-systematized virtual realities forming the generator which drives recall to an aesthetic high.
Venus©-~ñ~ was again totally saturating my carbuncled hyper-heart with her words and gestures, eroding my normally induced flow of affection. After that night, I was self re-programmed (i.e., changed) and after that the facsimile of Venus©-~ñ~ seemed never to stop blooming in me. I was bridled by my appetite to see more ofVenus©-~ñ~lOve Systems than should be seen, or could be seen.
Venus©-~ñ~ reminded me that all tautological endeavors which propose to bring a new understanding and sensibility towards women are beguiling and melancholy and irrevocable.
“What an idiotic thought!” I thought. I was loving one women who represented ten million. When we made “love,” I was feeling the embrace of ten million women around me. Ten million collective circuitous embraces around my swollen bough. She bedspreaded delirium. She beclouded magnificence. Now all certain signs swarm mesmeric and hint at some all-inclusive Venus©-~ñ~ meaning. I was having it all ways; resolving my myopic paradoxical apprehensions towards love with my own teeming ambiguities, hoisted by Venus©-~ñ~’s petard, of course.
The fear of this exalted spectacle of Venus©-~ñ~, along with her awesome manipulative powers, achieved the momentary contraction of my Venus©-~ñ~ © mIcrO-BladE into an indeterminate, shivering, bio-bump. Those VR moments when both your bio-body and your hyper-heart satiate you. Injected were an endless succession of failed romantic files which immersively displayed the abjection of my own nullity - now bleached and liquidated by Venus©-~ñ~. Venus©-~ñ~lOve Systems was filling me with chandelier moments, ones I had not sought out - those VR moments when both your bio-body and your hyper-heart satiate you.
She had imploded my clouded sentiments towards love and had brought me to a plumpness of affection. The turbulence of Venus©-~ñ~’s reflections exceeded my defenses, inducing a fascination that now could just as well exist without her, or must exist without her.
This, I guess, is the abstraction of intemperate love and the de-reification of fantasy. It was this glazed extreme of the heart and the supremacy of its splendor that gave me a new abundance of Venus©-~ñ~EmOtiOn, offering to me a double prospect: first the solipsistic image of my love’s excess, and then, secondly, its forced de-repression byVenus©-~ñ~lOve System. De-repressed because it is in this state the glutted heart seeps into the unconscious programming and saturates the connected VE-body. It represents the outdoing of even oneself because it represents the deceit of the heart, and our unabating infatuation with it.